
SUPU Electronics|Happy Lantern Festival Reunion, Warm Heart Soup Dumplings! Happy Lantern Festival!

SUPU family members have prepared steaming hot "Lantern Festival", round Lantern Festival, blessings for the spoon, round your wishes, round your dreams - for the New Year to draw a successful conclusion, may all SUPU people in the Year of the Dragon to excel, not slack, continue to move forward, oar and compete for first! I wish you all a prosperous year with a flying dragon, a prosperous future, a prosperous life and a prosperous career!


SUPU Electronics|Happy Lantern Festival Reunion, Warm Heart Soup Dumplings! Happy Lantern Festival!


Origin of the Lantern Festival

According to legend, after the death of Empress Lu's family, they were afraid of losing power and conspired to rebel. Liu Sang, the King of Qi, teamed up with Zhou Bo, a veteran of the country's founding, to quell the "Zhu Lv Rebellion". After the rebellion, Liu Heng, the second son of Liu Bang, was crowned Emperor Wen of Han. Deeply impressed by the hard-won peace and prosperity, Emperor Wen set the 15th day of the first lunar month after "Pinglü" as a day of fun with the people, and the 15th day of the first lunar month became a folk festival celebrated by all the people of the world, "Lantern Festival".


SUPU Electronics|Happy Lantern Festival Reunion, Warm Heart Soup Dumplings! Happy Lantern Festival!


Why eat dumplings at Lantern Festival

"Lantern Festival" as a food has a long history in China. In the Song Dynasty, a kind of novelty food for Lantern Festival was popular among the people. This food, the earliest called "floating Yuanzi" later called "Lantern", the businessman also beautifully called "Yuanbao". Lantern Festival to eat dumplings, in addition to the symbol of celebrating the family reunion, but also to protect against the cold, replenish the spleen and stomach, beneficial to the health of the lungs. Lantern Festival dumplings material is mainly glutinous rice, "Compendium of Materia Medica" pointed out that glutinous rice is to supplement the spleen and stomach, beneficial to the lungs of the grain. Glutinous rice is sweet in taste and warm in nature, and when eaten, it can replenish the qi and blood of the human body, and nourish the spleen and stomach.

SUPU Electronics|Happy Lantern Festival Reunion, Warm Heart Soup Dumplings! Happy Lantern Festival!

Tips --How to get out of the post-holiday syndrome

1, adjust the work and rest: to ensure adequate sleep time, try not to stay up late, insist on early to bed and early to rise.

2, adjust the mentality: before re-entering the work state need to timely adjust the mentality, relax, avoid mood anxiety.

3, keep moving: usually need to keep a moderate amount of exercise, increase the body's tiredness, can promote sleep, but also can be appropriate to ease the mental exhaustion.

4, healthy diet: it is recommended to eat more light food, or appropriate dietary tablets, so that the stomach and intestines to relax some of the elimination of gastrointestinal greasiness.